Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Date: 2/29/2024

 What is your fee for a private session?

A 50 minute session is  280 NIS (New Israeli Shekels) or  $90 (United States Dollars). 

If you want a shorter session on the phone or on Zoom,  the fee is prorated.  This also applies when I work with teenagers and a 50 minute session is too long for them.  

Sliding scale rates are available. 


How many sessions will it take? 

NLP is classified as "short term therapy".  On the average people come to me for between 3  and 6 sessions.  


What are your credentials?

In 1996 I began studying NLP and became certified as a Practitioner  in 1997.  I was certified as a Master Practitioner in 1998 and opened a private practice.  In 1999 I began teaching seminars and workshops.  I consulted with and was supervised by an experienced Clinical Psychologist. He also taught me principles of Logotherapy. I have Rabbinic Ordination ("Smicha") from Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg ZT"L.  I have a B.A. from Kenyon College (1974),  Ohio, USA.   I have been a Yeshiva Rebbe and counseling students for over  30 years.  


What are your areas of expertise? 

The areas I specialize in are Functional Problems and Inter-Personal Communication Issues.   The NLP Phobia cure is also very fast and effective in curing phobias. 



To schedule an appointment contact me by phone: 052-763 7029 or by email: 


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