

 Private Sessions
for more information,  click on the FAQ link on the left. 

Group Seminars

1) How to Communicate With Almost Anyone--16 hours long usually done in 8 or more sessions
 2) Disagreeing Without Arguing
--Part 1:  Speaking Skills
--Part 2:  Listening Skills
3) "That's NOT What I Meant!"- Avoiding Misunderstandings
4)  The Key to Connecting With People: 
--Part 1-- Personal Values--knowing what is important to people
--Part 2-- Representational Systems-- showing that you truly care and understand  
5) How to Assert Yourself With Difficult People  
--Part 1: Tools for interacting with them
--Part 2:  7 effective ways of saying "No".
6) How to Become a Better Conversationalist
7) Beyond Words: Non-Verbal Communication
8) How to Talk with Tact -- communicating with adroitness and sensitivity
9) NLP Tips for Improving Your Public Speaking
10) From Bedtime Stories to Therapeutic Metaphors:
 How to Become an Amazing Storyteller
11) Kosher  Revenge -- Conduct TowardsYour  Enemies
12) Resolving Personal Conflicts With Other People
13)  Repairing Relationships:
 How to figure out what is going wrong and what to do about it  
14) Decision Making
--Part 1: Avoiding costly,  disastrous mistakes
--Part 2: Going from uncertainty to clarity
--Part 3: Choosing your best option 
15) How to Manage Negative Emotional States
---Part 1:  General technique  for excessive worry, sadness, overwhelm, frustration, loneliness, resentment.... 
---Part 2: Relaxation technique to relieve stress and nervous tension
16)  Anger Management
--Part 1:  Controlling,  reducing, and eliminating anger 
--Part 2: How to get along with people who annoy you
17) Believe it or Not--identifying and correcting erroneous beliefs that cause people to make mistakes in life.
18) Personal Breakthrough Seminar:
---Part 1: Staying stuck or moving forward
---Part 2: Psyching and motivating yourself 
19) The Power of Compliments
---Part 1: Creating your compliment:  What to say and what not to say.
---Part 2: Different ways to word your compliment and wordings to avoid.
---Part 3:  Delivering your compliment:  How to say it
---Part 4: How to accept a compliment 
---Part 5: Softening criticism with a compliment  ("The Feedback Sandwich")
20) Finding Your Niche--How to decide what you should specialize in
21) Other NLP Language Patterns and Techniques 
for therapy, counseling, coaching, and personal development
---Seminars include lecture,  hands-on exercises, and group discussion
---Can be given in English or in Hebrew.
---To arrange a seminar or schedule an appointment,  click on the contact link above.