

I am available for private sessions
I specialize in functional problems and communication and social problems.

Sometimes a person is unhappy with some aspect of their life or is not accomplishing what they want. I can help you by creating goals and assisting you in following them through to make the desired changes.

In today's world a lot of our communication is artificial and many people experience difficulties communicating. I can help you develop good communication skills to relate better to people in your personal or professional life.

NLP is also very quick and effective curing phobias

Seminars by Shlomo Kory
1) How to Communicate With Almost Anyone
--16 hours long usually done in 8 or more sessions
2) Disagreeing Without Arguing
--Part 1:  Speaking Skills
--Part 2:  Listening Skills
3) "That's NOT What I Meant!"- Avoiding Misunderstandings
4)  The Key to Connecting With People: 
--Part 1-- Personal Values--knowing what is important to people
--Part 2-- Representational Systems-- showing that you truly care and understand  
5) How to Assert Yourself With Difficult People  
--Part 1: Tools for interacting with them
--Part 2:  7 effective ways of saying "No".
6) How to Become a Better Conversationalist
7) Beyond Words: Non-Verbal Communication
8) How to Talk with Tact -- communicating with adroitness and sensitivity
9) NLP Tips for Improving Your Public Speaking
10) From Bedtime Stories to Therapeutic Metaphors:
 How to Become an Amazing Storyteller
11) Kosher  Revenge -- Conduct TowardsYour  Enemies
12) Resolving Personal Conflicts With Other People
13)  Repairing Relationships:
 How to figure out what is going wrong and what to do about it  
14) Decision Making
--Part 1: Avoiding costly,  disastrous mistakes
--Part 2: Going from uncertainty to clarity
--Part 3: Choosing your best option 
15) How to Manage Negative Emotional States
---Part 1:  General technique  for excessive worry, sadness, overwhelm, frustration, loneliness, resentment.... 
---Part 2: Relaxation technique to relieve stress and nervous tension
16)  Anger Management
--Part 1:  Controlling,  reducing, and eliminating anger 
--Part 2: How to get along with people who annoy you
17) Believe it or Not--identifying and correcting erroneous beliefs that cause people to make mistakes in life.
18) Personal Breakthrough Seminar:
---Part 1: Staying stuck or moving forward
---Part 2: Psyching and motivating yourself 
19) The Power of Compliments
---Part 1: Creating your compliment:  What to say and what not to say.
---Part 2: Different ways to word your compliment and wordings to avoid.
---Part 3:  Delivering your compliment:  How to say it
---Part 4: How to accept a compliment 
---Part 5: Softening criticisim with a compliment  ("The Feedback Sandwich")
20) Finding Your Niche--How to decide what you should specialize in
21) Other NLP Language Patterns and Techniques 
for therapy, counseling, coaching, and personal development
---Seminars include lecture,  hands-on exercises, and group discussion
---Can be given in English or in Hebrew. 
To arrange a seminar  or schedule an appointment
please click on the contact link